Tales of Ghosts, Gettysburg and Lincoln

26 Jan

imagesCAL5HJQDI’ve been to Gettysburg several times now. I love American history, especially anything that concerns the Revolutionary War or the Civil War, wars that cover the birth and near death of our Country. Not a topic to take lightly, especially when standing on a battlefield. I went to Gettysburg with my friends for the first time, two years ago. We went mainly to do some ghost hunting, but the history of that place has a way of drawing you down a rabbit hole to the past. The first night there, my two ghost hunting friends and I wanted to get a feel for the place and learn about documented hauntings so we went on two ghost hunting tours, wanting to save the battlefield for the next day. Ghosts have a frustrating habit of not appearing on demand, but people pay for these tours thinking there is a written guarantee that…

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